Lovers, you fall in love with each other, he electrocutes you with his every touch, he motivates you to spend your rent money on new clothes, to call in sick from work just to spend more quality time in bed together, you think about each other during those 30 minute gaps that your not together, you ditch your mates to hang out with his, his morning breath doesnt repulse you and big dick or small dick, generous lover or selfish he is the best fuck you've ever had. You kiss him, you fuck him, you fall asleep, dream about kissing him wake up and fuck him.
Enjoying your life this much, having your every vein injected with him is of course a slow acting poison, unsustainable happiness if you continue this way your world will come crashing down.
The fire becomes tiring, nobody has the energy for the constant state of passion. The fire becomes smoke, nobody grieves, we all know that where there is smoke there is fire, resting fire.
Your boyfriend becomes your best friend, he watches the road while you text walk, he picks you up from the pub when your smashed and listens to you bitch about your friend and what a cunt her new boyfriend is, you decide on bathroom colour schemes while he is taking a crap, you send each other photos of what your cooking for dinner.
Life is as it should be, you found each other. You forget where he ends and you begin.
Time goes by, complacency rears its unwelcome head.
He has a bad day at work and takes it out on you, you cant speak to him without it turning in to a fight, he starts to go out with his friends more, you less, he laughs with his mates the way that he used to laugh with you. You stop giving him blow jobs. Your worried that he might pick up another woman, look after another woman, buy her drinks, memorise her ticklish spots, save her the wings on his roast chicken. You hate his mum. Sometimes when he snores instead of putting in ear plugs you kick him really hard. You want to stop him from going out and enjoying himself and you don't know why. He gave up hassling you for sex. He thinks the food you cook is shit and doesn't bother saying thanks anymore. You stop wanting him to come home and start preying that he doesn't. He stinks. You don't care if he picks up another woman. He gets stingy with his money. He thinks your using him, draining him. He finds you ugly.
He moves out, your sad. So is he.
You bump in to things while your text walking and your bed is cold. He looks around at the emptiness that going out every nights bringing him and starts to ask himself allot of questions. Your cooking wasnt really that bad. Your actually quite pretty.
He tries to pick up another girl but she doesnt make him laugh or have freckles on her nose, you cant think of another man, you miss his smell.
You fuck each other again. Its amazing.
He moves back in, you call in sick from work.
You kiss him, you fuck him, you fall asleep and dream about kissing him, you wake up and fuck him.
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